Version 4.0.3


Heatmap for data transfer errors

The heat map in the data transfer errors is now completed.

The last seven days since the detection of the errors are shown from 0-24 hours.


there has been no transmission in this interval (hour)

at least one transfer is missing

no errors

Archive errors

(Example picture: saw different to the release)

Errors can now also be archived. In the plant error list, the archived errors appear when the archive is

activated (top right).

Archived errors are also visible in other widgets, such as the error ticker. The archived errors are shown

on the screen with in grey letters.

Plant Production

On portfolio level in the monitoring and also on fleet level (Monitoring > click on a fleet) you now see the

plant production in Wh/kWp.

All plants are shown to where the logged in user also has permissions. The bars of no or less production are sorted

by best production of the current day. The plant with the highest production defines the scaling of the y-axis.

Possibly defective systems can be immediately identified by the bars and can then be checked via monitoring.