Explain what this how-to article is for. For example, you might write an article to teach people at your company how to set up a corporate email account or file an expense report.

(blue star) Instructions

Create a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create pinboard and use only public widgets

  2. Set the check mark "public”

  3. After saving the pinboard, you can use the share icon to retrieve the public link.

    open pinboard

Please note that the link to view the pinboard publicly is different from the link in your portal.

Example Code Snippet

<iframe src="[PUBLIC_PINBOARD_LINK]" width="800" height="600"></iframe>

Adjust the width with the parameter width and the height with height. The values can be stored in pixels or percentages.

(blue star) Related articles

The content by label feature automatically displays related articles based on labels you choose. To edit options for this feature, select the placeholder and tap the pencil icon.