Version 4.5.2

Released: 05.04.2022

Delete reports and new columns

With this release, you can now delete reports. For this purpose, we have adjusted the view in the report history.

In addition, we have added new columns. These columns show, for example, which plants appear in a report or with which frequency the report is sent.


Bug fixed 🐛 & Improvements 🚀

  • We have improved error handling in the portal and now show a reason in the raw data tasks if the data cannot be processed.

  • In the overall view, we fixed an error that prevented data from being displayed.

  • Under certain circumstances, it happened that local changes in the Solar-Log for the Forecast area could not be imported. We have fixed this.

  • The portal has got a new favicon. Now the Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 4 icon is used.