Version 4.5.38

Released: 07.02.2023

Pinboards for users with the ENEREST App plant owner role.

With this release, end customers can now create their own pinboards. For end customers/installation owners, the widgets from the Widgeteria are available in the Public category.

For this, these users now also see the Pinboards item in the side menu.


Improved navigation in the value matrix

We have now added arrows for simplified day selection in the value matrix. This makes navigating between days or months much easier and faster.


Bug fixed 🐛 & Improvements 🚀

  • The analysis reloaded itself in some cases. The consequence was that all loaded data was retrieved again.

  • Plants and fleets can be assigned again without any problems.

  • In the plant list in the administration, the filter for the transfer type works again.