Version 4.5.45

Released: 28.03.2023

Total of all plants available

You can now see the total sum of the installed plants in the plant list in the administration.

The total always refers to the number of plants to which you have access. The total may therefore differ from the total number of plants on a portal.


Active alarms are always in focus

With this update, you get new filters in the monitoring. With this, you can bring still pending errors directly into your focus. We help you with this - if there are open alarms, then we show them directly and activate the filter automatically for you.

Archiving and open alarms can now be activated via the two icons (framed in yellow here).

Compatibility for firmware 6.0.1

Solar-Log™ with firmware 6.0.1 is now also compatible with Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 4.


Bug fixed 🐛 & Improvements 🚀

  • The Total period is now also available for the sub-consumers in the analysis.

  • Daily reports with more than one attachment are generated and sent again.

  • The remote configuration window was not displayed centered. We have corrected this.

  • The portal logo was larger than specified and partially shifted the view. This is also corrected again.

  • When the filter was activated in the user list, not all users were displayed, and the same results had repeated. Now you can see all users again even with the filter enabled.