Version 4.6.6

Released: 04.07.2023

Optimization for moving from WEB3

To make it clearer which plants have not had an active transfer to the Solar-Log™ WEB3 Portal for a long time, we now show you an additional icon in Administration > Plants.

The timestamp shows when the plant was last transferred to WEB3. It is also possible to filter for missing data in WEB3.


Bug fixed 🐛 & Improvements 🚀

  • In some cases, remote commands were not executed correctly. This has been corrected.

  • Clicking on the portal logo will take you back to the start page.

  • Results in the global search now show the plants correctly again. Previously, it could happen that plants were listed multiple times in the results.

  • Several layout and color corrections were made.

  • When you searched for widgets when creating pinboards, the categories were no longer visible. This has been corrected.

  • The search input field in the analysis now lets you search for your plants and fleets again. We have fixed a problem in the input field.