Version 4.0.8


The motto of this release was "Optimize performance".

A lot of work was done in the background on the architecture and the internal calls and queries. We are sure that

the effort was worth it and the portal enables a smooth workflow.

Optical adjustments


The placement of the widget on the plant error page has been optimized. Now the whole view is available.

Bug fixes

Wrong build number

In the plant information a wrong Firware-Build number was shown in some cases. Our programmers have fixed

this, so that you will always see the correct build number.

Wrong values for min. power at deviation error

The error settings in the Deviation area showed wrong values for the minimum power. This has been fixed so

that the correct value from the configuration is now shown.

User-List can not be loaded

With 2 test users the user list could not be loaded. Here the allocation was optimized, so that now all test

users can see the user list.

Workflow for deleting a Fleet

If a fleet is deleted, the user is then directed to the fleet list.

Contact Information in Plant Management

When creating the contact a comment could be entered, this comment is now also shown.

If you edit the contact information, you must fill in all mandatory fields before you can save again.

Mandatory fields when changing fleet properties

When changing the properties of fleets, you came across mandatory fields. This was not desired and was

changed accordingly.

Incorrect tool tip for deviation graphic

In the deviation triple graph, the values for currents and voltage were shown incorrectly in the lower coordinate

cross and confused the users. We have now fixed this, so that the graphic can be used even better for troubleshooting.

Viewing of times in the complete portal

The shown times for error detection and/or last data transfer were shown inconsistently or incorrectly. This has now

been optimized for the complete portal and so the correct time is always shown.