Version 4.3.0

Released: 08.12..2020




Remote configuration for Solar-Log™

Remote configuration is only enabled for systems that transmit to WEB Enerest™ 4 via HTTP.

With this release, you can now access the remote configuration of Solar-Log™ devices. The remote configuration can be recognized via this icon.

The new function can be activated in several ways:

Interactive map


Plants administration


Via the ...-menu you can also open the remote configuration in the administration.


Event log

The event log allows you to view messages from your connected components.


These messages are not changed and show the original value from the component. For this reason, messages may be displayed in German, for example.


Bug fixed 🐛

  • Components were generated in some cases with an MPP tracker, although these devices cannot have a tracker.

  • For plants, with an address without a house number, no tasks could be created.