Version 4.3.24

Released: 28.07.2021


Improved tablet version in analysis

To better access the graphics from tablets, we have improved the responsiveness in the analysis.


Improved customer guidance


If lists are empty, we have now increased the information content for you and directly offer you an action where you can, for example, create a new plant. It is now also shown why these lists are empty.


Filter for the value matrix

New filters offer you the possibility to search for specific data channels or devices.



Download for Power Management

With this release you can download all visible entries of the Power Management List.

If you have many controllers for a day, scroll to the bottom of the list to load all the data and then start the download.

We will improve the download in future releases.



Bug fixed 🐛 & Improvements 🚀

  • Full screen mode in Safari browsers with Apple devices now works again.

  • Cutting the attachment images now also works for Firefox and Safari.

  • The plant size is now calculated correctly after changing the inverter size.

  • The layout in the plant administration has been adapted for tablets. Changing the AC power is now possible again.

  • The plant image is now correctly displayed on pinboards.