Epochs and CrossEpochs

Epochs and CrossEpochs


Epochs are time periods that describe a system configuration. When changes are made, e.g. by replacing a connected device, a new epoch is created for your plant.


  • Epoch 2: "WR 3" was added

  • Epoch 3: "WR 2" was replaced by "WR 2B


ComponentIds and CrossEpochIds

  • ComponentIds (id) are newly created per epoch.

  • CrossEpochIds remain the same over the lifetime of the component.


Example API call

GET {{baseURL}}/api/v1/{{portal}}/datasource/plant/{{plantId}}/components/YYYY-MM-DD


Epoch 1

[ { "id": "a2a62c37-...", "mpptrackers": [ {...} ], "moduleStrings": [], "moduleField": null, "crossEpochId": "abcd123...", } ]


Epoch 2

[ { "id": "e1bb9e02-...", "mpptrackers": [ {...} ], "moduleStrings": [], "moduleField": null, "crossEpochId": "abcd123...", } ]


Epoch 3


CrossEpochIds are necessary for components.
They are not available at the moment for MPP-Tracker or Inverter Strings.

For plant-level values these ids are not necessary.

CrossEpochIds for Sensors

Also Sensord do have CrossEpochIds.


Querying Data with CrossEpochIds

To retrieve the data of the individual components of the epoch, the following API call is used:

Here, the parameter xComponentIds[]= is used as a channel. This is provided through the aforementioned call and can be found under the variable "crossEpochId".

Additionally, the channel is needed to specify which data should be queried.





GET https://api.enerest.world/api/v1/solarCompanyXYZ/visualization/plant/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/cross-epoch/channels?dateFrom=2024-01-01&dateTo=2024-01-01&channelNames[]=ProdPac&xComponentIds[]=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

  • baseURL = https://api.enerest.world

    • DO NOT change this! It is the same for every user.

  • portal = solarCompanyXYZ

    • Here you should add the first part of the portal URL.

    • Without .enerest.world


    • Add your plant ID here.

    • You can find this ID

      • in the administration/plants call or

      • in the last part of the URL when you select the plant in the portal

        • E.g. https://solarCompanyXYZ.enerest.world/administration/plants/detail/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

  • dateFrom = 2024-01-01

    • The date can be

      • today or

      • any date in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • dateTo = 2024-01-01

    • The date can be

      • today or

      • any date in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • channelName = ProdPac

    • Channels can be combined in a call.

    • The channel list will list all available channels.


    • The epoch component ID can be found in the component call.

    • With the xComponentId, the entire lifetime of the component can be requested, not just the current epoch.