Epochs and CrossEpochs


Epochs are time periods that describe a system configuration. When changes are made, e.g. by replacing a connected device, a new epoch is created for your plant.


  • Epoch 2: "WR 3" was added

  • Epoch 3: "WR 2" was replaced by "WR 2B


ComponentIds and CrossEpochIds

  • ComponentIds (id) are newly created per epoch.

  • CrossEpochIds remain the same over the lifetime of the component.


Example API call

GET {{baseURL}}/api/v1/{{portal}}/datasource/plant/{{plantId}}/components/YYYY-MM-DD


Epoch 1

[ { "id": "a2a62c37-...", "mpptrackers": [ {...} ], "moduleStrings": [], "moduleField": null, "crossEpochId": "abcd123...", } ]


Epoch 2

[ { "id": "e1bb9e02-...", "mpptrackers": [ {...} ], "moduleStrings": [], "moduleField": null, "crossEpochId": "abcd123...", } ]


Epoch 3


CrossEpochIds are necessary for components.
They are not available at the moment for MPP-Tracker or Inverter Strings.

For plant-level values these ids are not necessary.