Solarfox® WEB4 Integration

Solarfox® WEB4 Integration

 Step by step instruction

Step 1

Log in to the SOLARFOX® online administration at https://show.solar-fox.com/www/  with your SOLARFOX® user name and password.


Step 2

Click the “+” symbol under the menu item “Data sources” on the left sidebar or on the dashboard.


Step 3

Search the manufacturer Solar-Log™ and choose Solar-Log™ WEB Enerest 4 (API).


Step 4

Click on “SOLAR-LOG LOGIN“. You will be redirected to the external Solar-Log™ login web page.


Step 5

Log in with your Solar-Log™ Web Enerest 4 user credentials. After that, you will be redirected back to the SOLARFOX® online administration.


Step 6

Choose the name of your data source (display name in the SOLARFOX® online administration) as well as your portal on which your plant is located (Example: “solarfox“ on https://solarfox.enerest.world). After that click on “CHECK DATA“.


Step 7

Choose the desired plant from the dropdown menu and confirm with “NEXT“.


Step 8

The data source has been created successfully. To add it to the desired slideshow, go back to the SOLARFOX® online administration home page and drag the data source from the left menu bar to the desired slideshow on the dashboard. Now you can select whether the data source should be added to the slideshow or whether all old assigned data sources should be overwritten with the new data source.



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