Migrate Solarfox® Datasource to WEB4

Migrate Solarfox® Datasource to WEB4

Use the following instructions to move an existing Solar-Log™ data source to the new Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 4 Portal. If you want to create a new data source via the Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 4 Portal, click here for instructions.

Important: You will receive an email from Solar-Log™ before the move to the Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 4 portal. Only when the move has taken place successfully can you also move the Solarfox data source.


Select the plant in the left navigation bar that you want to move to the Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 4 portal.


1. Click on the button Move data source in the note.


2. Log in with your Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 4 user credentials. After that, you will be redirected back to the SOLARFOX® online administration.


3. Choose the name of your data source (display name in the SOLARFOX® online administration) as well as your portal on which your plant is located (Example: „solarfox“ on https://solarfox.enerest.world).
After that click on CHECK DATA.


4. Choose the desired plant from the dropdown menu and confirm with “NEXT“. The data source should then be updated.


In case of any problems with logging in our with your account credentials, please contact Solar-Log™ support.


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