Version 4.5.33

Released: 06.12.2022

Filters are saved on a user-specific basis

In the analysis overview, the filter settings are now permanently saved for each user.

Improved view for status/error

On the alarm detail page for status alarms, the type whether the alarm is a status or an error has now been added. Now it is even easier to identify what type of alarm it is.


Optimizations of data processing

In this version, we have performed many optimizations in the background to be able to calculate and process data faster.


Bug fixed 🐛 & Improvements 🚀

  • A bug that did not limit the function was corrected for the remote commands.

  • The graph for technical availability has been corrected. The display now no longer shows values when the MIT is undercut.

  • In the graph for the SCBs, the values in ampere have been corrected.

  • For some graphics, with a lot of components, the tooltip overlapped the graphic. We have fixed that now. The graphic is visible again.